Permissions Override?
How does Permissions Override/Bypass Permissions work? The documentation is unclear. Tell what would happen in this scenario:
Paige is an external customer. Article A is not visible to customers and is in Content Source B. If permissions override is on, will Paige be able to see Article A?
If not, then what does it do? Article A is not visible to customers already.
How does Permissions Override/Bypass Permissions work? The documentation is unclear. Tell what would happen in this scenario:
Paige is an external customer. Article A is not visible to customers and is in Content Source B. If permissions override is on, will Paige be able to see Article A?
If not, then what does it do? Article A is not visible to customers already.
Permissions Override works at the level of search results.
When Permissions Override is turned off, then Paige cannot find Article A in search results.
When Permissions Override is turned on, then Paige can find Article A in search results. However, upon clicking the article, she will be served the message that her role doesn’t permit her to view the article.
PS. You've shared a good example. I should add an example on the docs page so that functionality is evident to future readers.0
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